Parkadoo Digital provides professional website design and development. We can build any type of website you may need including company websites, e-commerce websites, blogs, paid advertising landing pages, association and membership directories, and much more. Our websites are fully optimized right out of the gate to help your site gain maximum traffic from all sources. We also maintain and manage your site to insure it remains relevant and functions properly over time.

Why Hire a Professional Website Developer?

Professional website developers do much more than simply "design" a website.  While it's true that the aesthetics of a site can help represent and promote your brand and image, there are many more underlying factors that help websites succeed.

The goal of most websites is to convert someone who is interested in your product or service into a loyal customer.  But how do you drive people to your website in the first place and how does website development impact those opportunities?

Traffic to your site can arrive from a variety of  places: direct traffic, search engines, paid advertising, social media referrals, etc.  Believe it or not, the way your website is developed impacts ALL of those things.

Take text content for example. Text content on a site describes what your business or organization is about and describes the services or products you offer.  Search engines send out bots to crawl your site and return the information in order to determine what your site is about.  Search engines then attach relevancy to frequently searched keywords and phrases based on your text content, then display links to your site based on that information.

But does your website content contain frequently search keywords and how do you research those keywords in the first place?? This is just part of a website developers job.

Other important questions developers take into consideration:

  • Does the website display correctly on all platforms: desktop, tablet and mobile?
  • Is the site secure?
  • How fast does the website load?
  • Are there broken links or images on the site?
  • Is the meta data written properly to support relevant keywords?
  • Does the website hierarchy make sense and is information easy to find?
  • Are the internal and external links on the site beneficial to SEO (Search Engine Optimization)?
  • Is there code or scripts on the site that search engines may consider malicious?

If you are considering building your own website, be prepared to ask yourself these questions and a whole lot more!

The reality is that even basic websites can be complicated and need to be nurtured and promoted in order to be successful.   Professional website developers are armed with the knowledge of what it takes for a website to succeed and that is the advantage of hiring a professional designer or developer.


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